General & Introductory Physics Books

A-level Physics (Advancing Physics)
Wikibooks, 2011, 240 pp, 11MB, PDF

ABE Advanced Level Physics
by Tom McBee, 2013, multiple formats

Applications of Classical Physics
by Roger D. Blandford, Kip S. Thorne, 2008, PDF

The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering: Mastering Complexity
by Sanjoy Mahajan, 2014, 409 pp, 5.6MB, PDF

Basic Physics
CK-12 Foundation, 2009, 126 pages, 9.9MB, PDF

Calculus-Based Physics (2 volumes)
by Jeffrey W. Schnick, 2007, 267+332 pages, PDF

College Physics
OpenStax College, 2012, 1268 pp, PDF/EPUB/HTML

College Physics for Students of Biology and Chemistry
by Kenneth R. Koehler, 2003

Conceptual Physics
by Benjamin Crowell, 2007, 187 pages, 14MB, PDF

Discover Physics
by Benjamin Crowell, 2007, 210 pages, 12MB, PDF

Elementary Physics for Engineers
by J. Paley Yorke, 1916

Elementary Physics I: Kinematics, Dynamics and Thermodynamics
by Satindar Bhagat, 2014, 172 pp, 7.6MB, PDF

Elementary Physics II: Oscillations, Waves
by Satindar Bhagat, 2014, 264 pp, 6.4MB, PDF

Essential Graduate Physics
by Konstantin K. Likharev, 2013, multiple PDF files

Essential Physics 1
by Frank W. K. Firk, 2000, 210 pages, 950KB, PDF

Essentials of Applied Physics
by Royal M. Frye, 1947

The Feynman Lectures on Physics
by R.P. Feynman, M. Sands, R. Leighton, 2013, 350 pp, online html

FHSST Physics
Wikibooks, 2005, 396 pages, 2.4MB, PDF

General Physics: An Elementary Text-Book for Colleges
by Henry Crew, 1908

General Physics II
by Donald Luttermoser, 2013, multiple PDF files

General Science
by Bertha M. Clark, 1912

GRE Physics Test Practice Book
Educational Testing Service, 2004, 77 pages, 2.9MB, PDF

Handbook of Formulae and Physical Constants
by Power Engineering Training Systems, 2003, 43 pages, 0.6MB, PDF

Introduction to Modern Physics
by Charles W Fay, 2011, 157 pp, 1.8MB, PDF

An Introduction to Physics
by P.J. Haler, 1921

Introduction to Theoretical Physics
by John C. Slater, Nathaniel H. Frank, 1933, 597 pp, multiple formats

Introductory Physics I
by Robert G. Brown, 2008, 213 pages, 1.2MB, PDF

Introductory Physics Notes
by I. Burley, M. Carrington, R. Kobes, G. Kunstatter, 1996, online html

Laws of Physics: A Primer
by Belal E. Baaquie, 2000, online html

Learn Physics Today
by Keiji Oenoki, et al., 1998, online reading

Light and Matter
by Benjamin Crowell, 2011, 900 pp, 57MB, PDF

Modern Physics
by Michael Fowler, 2008, 168 pp, online html

Modern Physics
Wikibooks, 2011

Motion Mountain
by Christoph Schiller, 64MB, PDF

The Open Agenda: Ideas a beginning physics teacher should not take for granted
by John Daicopoulos, 2009, 113 pages, 1.3MB, PDF

Order-of-Magnitude Physics
by P. Goldreich, S. Mahajan, S. Phinney, 1999, 112 pages, 880KB, PDF

An Outline of First Year College Physics
by Clarence E. Bennett, 1937, 214 pp, multiple formats

The People's Physics Book
by James H. Dann, James J. Dann, 2006, 220 pages, 65MB, PDF

by Charles R. Mann, George R. Twiss, 1910

by Cope, Smith, Tower, Turton, 1920

Physics for College Students
by Henry S. Carhart, 1910

Physics for Technical Students
by William Ballantyne Anderson, 1914

Physics for University Students
by Henry Smith Carhart, 1894

Physics Formulary
by Johan Wevers, 2008, 108 pages

The Physics Hypertextbook
by Glenn Elert, 2009

Physics Study Guide
by Karl Wick, at al. Wikibooks, 2007

Physics with Calculus
Wikibooks, 2012, online html

Practical Physics
by R. A. Millikan, H. G. Gale, W. R. Pyle, 1922, 472 pages

Practical Physics
by R. Glazebrook, N. Shaw, 1889

Preparing for College Physics
by David Murdock, 2002, 64 pp, 330KB, PDF

Problems and Questions in Physics
by C.P. Matthews, J.S. Shearer, 1899, 276 pp, multiple formats

Problems in Introductory Physics
by B. Crowell, B. Shotwell, 2018, 202 pp, 11MB, PDF

A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics
by David J. Raymond, 2008, 465 pages, 2 volumes, PDF

Simple Nature
by Benjamin Crowell, 2008, 851 pages, 49MB, PDF

Text-Book of General Physics
by Joseph Sweetman Ames, 1904, 780 pp, multiple formats

Theoretical Physics
by A. S. Kompaneyets, 1961

Theoretical Physics Reference
by Ondřej Čertík, 2011, 448 pp, 2.2MB, PDF

Understanding Physics
by D.C. Cassidy, G. Holton, J. Rutherford, 2002, 880 pp, multiple PDF files

Usenet Physics FAQ
by Michael Weiss and Philip Gibbs, 2009

What is Motion
by Boris Dmitriev, 2010, 115 pages, 1.7MB, PDF

Worked Examples from Introductory Physics
by David Murdock, 2008, PDF

21st Century Physics Flexbook
by Mark Clemente, at al. 2009, 225 pages, 37MB, PDF

21st Century Science
by James Schombert, University of Oregon, 2008