Advanced Chemical Kinetics
by Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh (ed.), 2018, 224 pp, multiple PDF files
Advanced Granulation Theory at Particle Level
by Peter Dybdahl Hede, 2006, 62 pages, 6.1MB, PDF
Advanced Maths for Chemists
by J. E. Parker, 2013, 144 pp, 7.6MB, PDF
Advanced Organic Chemistry
by George Willard Wheland, 1960, 799 pp, online reading
Agricultural Chemistry
by Margarita Stoytcheva, Roumen Zlatev (eds), 2013, 210 pp, 5.8MB, PDF
Analysis of Hydrogen Bonds in Crystals
by Slawomir J. Grabowski (ed.), 2016, 324 pp, 9.2MB, PDF
Analytical Chemistry
edited by Ira S. Krull, 2012, 146 pp, 7MB, PDF
Analytical Chemistry 2.1
by David Harvey, 2016, 1122 pp, 80MB, PDF
Analytical Chemistry (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2)
by F. P. Treadwell, 1916, PDF
Applied Electrochemistry
by Maurice de Kay Thompson, 1911
Atoms, Molecules and Matter: The Stuff of Chemistry
by Roy McWeeny, 2011, 92 pp, 780KB, PDF
Basic Physical Chemistry
by Wolfgang Schärtl, 2014, 166 pp, 6.8MB, PDF
Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2ed
by John D. Roberts, Marjorie C. Caserio, 1977, 1618 pages, 66MB, PDF
The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
by David W. Ball, John W. Hill, Rhonda J. Scott, 2011
The Basics of NMR
by Joseph P. Hornak, 1999
Biochemistry Online
by Henry Jakubowski, 2009
Bioethanol: Science and technology of fuel alcohol
by Graeme M. Walker, 2010, 114 pages, 4MB, PDF
Bioinorganic Chemistry
by Bertini, Gray, Lippard, Valentine, 1994, 628 pages, 30MB, PDF
A Brief Review of Elementary Quantum Chemistry
by C. David Sherrill, 2001
Chem1 Virtual Textbook
by Stephen Lower, 2008
Chemical Biology
edited by Deniz Ekinci, 2012, 444 pp, 19MB, PDF
Chemical Crystallography: An Introduction To Optical And X-Ray Methods
by C. W. Bunn, 1946
Chemical Dynamics
by Joseph B. Dence, Harry B. Gray, George S. Hammond, 1968, 193 pages, 18MB, PDF
Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction
by Thomas Eisner, Jerrold Meinwald, 1995, 241 pages, 5.3MB, PDF
Chemical Information Sources
by Gary Wiggins, 2011
Chemical Laboratory Safety and Security
National Academies Press, 2016, 117 pp, 2.1MB, PDF
Chemical Principles, 3rd Edition
by Richard E. Dickerson, Harry B. Gray, Jr. Gilbert P. Haight, 1979, 1037 pages, PDF
Chemical Thermodynamics
by Leo Lue, 2009, 90 pages, 4.1MB, PDF
Chemistry Explained: Foundations and Applications
Advameg, Inc. 2009
The Chemistry of Health
by Alison Davis, 2009, 20 pages, 1.9MB, PDF
The Chemistry of Plant Constituents
by Ole Gisvold, Charles H. Rogers, 1943
The Chemistry of Plant Life
by Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher, 1921
CK-12 Chemistry
by S. Bewick, J. Edge, T. Forsythe, R. Parsons, 2009, 966 pages, 51MB, PDF
Chromatography: The Most Versatile Method of Chemical Analysis
edited by Leonardo de Azevedo Calderon, 2012, 428 pp, 9.9MB, PDF
Coal Pyrolysis
by George R. Gavalas, 1982, 177 pages, 5.6MB, PDF
Column Chromatography
by Dean F. Martin, Barbara B. Martin (eds), 2013, 209 pp, 4.5MB, PDF
The Complex World of Polysaccharides
edited by Desiree Nedra Karunaratne, 2012, 634 pp, 19MB, PDF
Computational Electronic Structure Theory
by Patrick Rinke, 2011, 66 pp, 950KB, PDF
Concept Development Studies in Chemistry
by John S. Hutchinson, 2010
A Concise History of Chemistry
by Thomas Percy Hilditch, 1911, 292 pp, multiple formats
Crystal Structure and Chemistry of Topological Insulators
by R.J. Cava, Huiwen Ji, M.K. Fuccillo, Q.D. Gibson, Y.S. Hor, 2013, 47 pp, 5.3MB, PDF
Current Trends in X-Ray Crystallography
edited by Annamalai Chandrasekaran, 2011, 436 pp, 35MB, PDF
Density functional approach to the many-body problem
by Robert van Leeuwen, 78 pages, 2.9MB, PDF
Descriptive Chemistry
by Lyman Churchill Newell, 1903
Electrically Driven Membrane Processes
by Soren Prip Beier, 2006, 52 pages, 5.4MB, PDF
by Mohammed A. A. Khalid (ed.), 2013, 198 pp, 6.1MB, PDF
Electrons and Chemical Bonding
by Harry B. Gray, 1965, 232 pages, 21MB, PDF
Elementary Applied Chemistry
by Lewis Benajah Allyn, 1912
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
by William Edwards Henderson, 1905
Elements and Atoms: Case Studies in the Development of Chemistry
by Carmen Giunta, 2014, online html
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
by Thomas Anderson, 1860
Elements of X-Ray Diffraction
by B.D. Cullity, 1956, 531 pages, 35MB, PDF
Enzyme Technology
by Martin F. Chaplin, Christopher Bucke, 1990
Essentials of Chemistry
by Soren Prip Beier, Peter Dybdahl Hede, 2010, 174 pages, 5.4MB, PDF
Essentials of Glycobiology
by Ajit Varki, Richard D. Cummings, Jeffrey D. Esko, 2008
Field Effect Electroosmosis
by Kiumars Ghowsi (ed.), 2015, 108 pp, multiple PDF files
Fluid Bed Particle Processing
by Peter Dybdahl Hede, 2006, 80 pages, 6.2MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering
by Richard C. Flagan, John H. Seinfeld, 1988, 554 pages, 19MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
by Mark E. E. Davis, Robert J. J. Davis, 2003, 384 pages, 17MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Chemistry
by Romain Elsair, 2012, 133 pp, 3.6MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Reaction Engineering
by Rafael Kandiyoti, 2009, 112 pages, 4.2MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Reaction Engineering - Worked Examples
by Rafael Kandiyoti, 2009, 41 pages, 3.5MB, PDF
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
by J. Karl Johnson, 2009, PDF
General Chemistry
by Hamilton Perkins Cady, 1916, 554 pp, multiple formats
General Chemistry
Wikibooks, 2010
GRE Chemistry Test Practice Book
Educational Testing Service, 2002, 57 pages, 2.3MB, PDF
Group theory for Maths, Physics and Chemistry
by Arjeh Cohen, Rosane Ushirobira, Jan Draisma, 2007, 93 pages, PDF
A Guide to Elementary Chemistry for Beginners
by Le Roy C. Cooley, 1886
Hydrides: Fundamentals and Applications
by Craig Jensen, Etsuo Akiba, Hai-Wen Li (eds.), 2017, 270 pp, 23MB, PDF
by J. C. Jones, 2010, 111 pages, 3.6MB, PDF
Hydrodynamic Modelling and Granular Dynamics
by Peter Dybdahl Hede, 2006, 42 pages, 4.9MB, PDF
Infrared Spectroscopy: Principles, Advances, and Applications
by Marwa El-Azazy, 2019, 235 pp, multiple PDF files
Inorganic Chemistry
by Taro Saito, 2004, 194 pp, 2.5MB, PDF
Intermediate Maths for Chemists
by J. E. Parker, 2013, 106 pp, 4.3MB, PDF
Introduction to Chemistry
by Tracy Poulsen, 2010, 250 pp, 9.4MB, PDF
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
by Peter G. Nelson, 2011, 177 pp, PDF
An Introduction To Electrochemistry
by Samuel Glasstone, 1942
Introduction to General Chemistry
by H.N. McCoy, E.M. Terry, 1920, 672 pp, multiple formats
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
by Peter G. Nelson, 2011, 177 pp, 2.6PDF
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
Wikibooks, 2014, online html
Introduction to protein folding for physicists
by Pablo Echenique, 2007, 53 pages, PDF/PS
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Chemistry
by Linus Pauling, E. Bright Wilson, 1935, 568 pages, 18MB, PDF
Introductory Chemistry
by David W. Ball, 2011
Introductory Chemistry
by Edward W. Pitzer, 2014, 266 pp, 6.5MB, PDF
Introductory Chemistry Online
by Paul R. Young, 2011, 444 pp, online html
Introductory Maths for Chemists
by J. E. Parker, 2013, 136 pp, 5.3MB, PDF
Introductory Physical Chemistry I
by David Ronis, 2011, 129 pp, 620KB, PDF
Introductory Quantum Mechanics I
by Troy Van Voorhis, 2005, PDF
Introductory Quantum Mechanics II
by Andrei Tokmakoff, 2009, PDF
Lecture Notes in Computational Chemistry: Electronic Structure Theory
by Jurg Hutter, 2005, 152 pages
Lecture Series in Electronic Structure Theory
by David Sherrill, et al. 2002
Lectures on Random Polymers
by F. Caravenna, F. den Hollander, N. Petrelis, 2011, 74 pages, 1.7MB, PDF
Manual of the Chemical Analysis of Rocks
by Henry Stephens Washington, 1904
Many-body Perturbation Theory of Molecules
by S. Wilson, 2006, 48 pages, 2.8MB, PDF
The Mechanics Of The Atom
by Max Born, 1927, 317 pages, 13MB, PDF
Medical Biochemistry
by Michael W. King, 2009
Micro- and Nano-Transport of Biomolecules
by David Bakewell, 2009, 96 pages, 4.8MB, PDF
Micro/Nano Devices for Chemical Analysis
by Manabu Tokeshi, Kiichi Sato (eds.), 2017, 230 pp, 50MB, PDF
Miniaturization in Sample Preparation
by Francisco Pena-Pereira (ed.), 2014, 463 pp, multiple PDF files
Modelling Batch Systems Using Population Balances
by Peter Dybdahl Hede, 2006, 58 pages, 5.9MB, PDF
Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry
edited by Johannes Grotendorst, 2000, 638 pages, PS/PDF
Molecular Electronic Structures: an introduction
by Carl J. Ballhausen, Harry B. Gray, 1980, 139 pages, 3.9MB, PDF
Molecular Orbital Theory
by Carl Ballhausen, Harry Gray, 1965, 285 pages, 11MB, PDF
Molecular Simulation
Wikibooks, 2016, 169 pp, online html
Nature of the Chemical Bond
by William A. Goddard III, 1986, 300 pages, 21MB, PDF
Neutral and Charged Polymers at Interfaces
by Roland Netz, David Andelman, 2003, 130 pages, PDF/PS
Noble Gases: An Overview
Wikipedia, 2014, online html
Numerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical Engineers
by Mark E. Davis, 1984, 267 pages, 7.7MB, PDF
Organic Chemistry
by W.H. Perkin, F.S. Kipping, 1904, 664 pp, multiple formats
Organic Chemistry
Wikibooks, 2010
Organic Chemistry: methane to macromolecules
by John D. Roberts, Ross Stewart, Marjorie C. Caserio, 1971, 864 pages, 90MB, PDF
Organic Chemistry with a Biological Emphasis
by Tim Soderberg, 2017, 357 pp, multiple PDF files
Organometallic Chemistry
by Rob Toreki, 2009
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
LibreTexts, 2016, 321 pp, online html
Physical Chemistry
by Walter John Moore, 633 pages, PDF/TXT/DJVU
Physical Chemistry for Beginners
by Charles Marius Deventer, 1903
Physical Chemistry II
by Robert Field, Robert Guy Griffin, 2008, PDF
Polymer science and engineering: the shifting research frontiers
National Academies, 1994, 199 pages, 7.5MB, PDF
Practical Chemistry
by Lyman Churchill Newell, 1922
Practical Chemistry for Engineering Students
by Arthur James Hale, 1912
Practical Organic and Biochemistry
by R. Plimmer, 1918
Practical Organic Chemistry
by Julius Berend Cohen, 1920, 384 pages
Pressure Driven Membrane Processes
by Soren Prip Beier, 2007, 22 pages, 1.4MB, PDF
Principles of Biochemistry
Wikibooks, 2011, online html
Principles of Chemical Science
by S. Ceyer, C. Cummins, 2005
Process Dynamics, Operations, and Control
by Barry Johnston, 2006, PDF
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
by T. E. Thorpe, 1891
Quantum Chemistry
by Henry Eyring, John Walter, George Kimball, 1944
Quantum Chemistry
by S. M. Blinder, Elvera Baron, 2002, PDF
Quantum Mechanics: Lecture Notes on Quantum Chemistry
by Eric R. Bittner, 2003, 259 pp, 2.8MB, PDF
Quantum Mechanics of the Chemical Bond
by Peter E. Blöchl, 2014, 242 pp, 4.8MB, PDF
Recent Advances in Crystallography
edited by Jason B. Benedict, 2012, 312 pp, 19MB, PDF
The Renaissance of Science: The Story of the Atom and Chemistry
by Albert Martini, 2014, 812 pp, 60MB, PDF
Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics
by Robert Field, 2008, PDF
Strongly correlated electrons
by Peter Fulde, Peter Thalmeier, Gertrud Zwicknagl, 2006, PS/PDF
The Structures of Life
by National Institutes of Health, 2007, 66 pages, 6.8MB, PDF
Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
by Michalis Konsolakis (ed.), 2016, 302 pp, 18MB, PDF
Textbook of Physical Chemistry
by Azariah Thomas Lincoln, 1918
Theory of Polymer Dynamics
by W. J. Briels, 1998
Thermodynamics and Chemistry
by Howard DeVoe, 2011, 531 pp, 8.7MB, PDF
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
by William Reusch, 1999
Visualizing Chemistry: The Progress and Promise of Advanced Chemical Imaging
National Academies Press, 2006, 223 pp, 19MB, PDF
Volumetric Chemical Analysis
by P.M. Shiundu, 2018, 149 pp, 3.5MB, PDF
Water Structure and Science
by Martin Chaplin, 2008
Worked Examples in the Geometry of Crystals
by H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, 2006, 113 pages, 2.7MB, PDF