The Air Force Brain Booster Book
by John C. Sparks, 2006, 58 pages, 0.8MB, PDF
Amusements in Mathematics
by Henry Ernest Dudeney, 1917, 259 pages
Analysis of Puzzles
by Umesh Nair, 2006, 88 pp, 310KB, PDF
A Brief History of Mathematics
by Karl Fink, 1900, 366 pp, multiple formats
The Canterbury Puzzles and Other Curious Problems
by Henry Ernest Dudeney, 1919
A Century of Mathematics in America
by Peter Duren, Richard A. Askey, 1988, 3 volumes, 35 PDF files, 74MB
A Cultural Paradox: Fun in Mathematics
by Jeff Zilahy, 2010
A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics
by George Berkeley
An Episodic History of Mathematics
by Steven G. Krantz, 2006, 483 pp, 1.6MB, PDF
Famous Problems in the History of Mathematics
Isaac Reed, 1998, The Math Forum
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
by Edwin A. Abbot, 2008, 96 pages, 610KB, PDF
The Fourth Dimension
by Charles Howard Hinton, 1906, 288 pp, multiple formats
Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding
by T. Sundara Row, 1917, 176 pp, multiple formats
Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid
by George Johnston Allman, 1877, 248 pp, multiple formats
A History of Mathematics
by Florian Cajori, 1909, 556 pages, PDF/TeX
History of Modern Mathematics
by David Eugene Smith, 1906, 75 pages, PDF/TeX
A History Of The Mathematical Theory Of Probability
by I. Todhunter, 2007, 640 pages, 47MB, PDF
A History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations during the Nineteenth Century
by Isaac Todhunter, 2005, 549 pages, 24MB, PDF
How to Read Mathematics
by Shai Simonson and Fernando Gouvea
Indian Mathematics
by G. R. Kaye, 1915, 102 pp, multiple formats
An Introduction to Mathematics
by A. N. Whitehead, 1911
An Invitation to Mathematics
by Arnold Dresden, 1936, 453 pp, multiple formats
Lectures on the History of Mathematics
by G. Donald Allen, Texas A&M University, 2003
The Manual of Mathematical Magic
by Peter McOwan, 2010, 96 pp, 8.9MB, PDF
The Mathemagician and Pied Puzzler: A Collection in Tribute to Martin Gardner
edited by Elwyn Berlekamp, Tom Rodgers, 1999, 251 pages, 2.3MB, PDF
Mathematical Discovery
by A.M. Bruckner, B.S. Thomson, J.B. Bruckner, 2011, 267 pp, 5.8MB, PDF
Mathematical Essays and Recreations
by Hermann Schubert, 1898, 159 pages, 1.1MB, PDF
Mathematical Measures, Mathematical Pleasures, Mathematical Treasures
by Stephen Clark, 2008, 48 pages, 5.1MB, PDF
Mathematical Omnibus: Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics
by Dmitry Fuchs, Sergei Tabachnikov, 2007, 465 pages, 11MB, PDF
Mathematical Recreations and Essays
by W. W. Rouse Ball, 1914, 506 pages, PDF/TXT/DJVU
A Mathematicians Miscellany
by J. E. Littlewood, 1953, 152 pp, multiple formats
Mathematics at the Edge of the Rational Universe
by Christopher Cooper, 2008, 115 pages, PDF
Men of Mathematics
by E. T. Bell, 1937
The Millennium Prize Problems
edited by J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, A. Wiles, 2006, 139 pages, 1.1MB, PDF
The Nature of Mathematics
by Philip E. B. Jourdain, 1919, 136 pp, multiple formats
Popular Mathematics
by Robert Mudie, 1836, 523 pp, multiple formats
Recreations in Mathematics
by H E. Licks, 1917, 163 pages, 9.2MB, PDF
A Short Account of the History of Mathematics
by W. W. Rouse Ball, 1960, 466 pages, 2.7MB, PDF
A Short History of Greek Mathematics
by James Gow, 1884, 351 pp, multiple formats
The Story of Euclid
by W. B. Frankland, 1902, 183 pages, 10MB, PDF
Ten British Mathematicians
by Alexander Macfarlane, 1916, 108 pages, PDF/TeX
Tertium Organum
by P.D. Ouspensky, 1920, 382 pages, 21MB, PDF
Theory of Probability: A Historical Essay
by Oscar Sheynin, 2017, 316 pp, 1.6MB, PDF
Vedic Mathematics
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, 2006, 220 pages, 790KB, PDF