Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity
by R. G. Downey, D. R. Hirschfeldt, 2010, 629 pages, 4MB, PDF
Around Kolmogorov Complexity: Basic Notions and Results
by Alexander Shen, 2015, 51 pp, 300KB, PDF
Automata and Rational Expressions
by Jacques Sakarovitch, 2015, 49 pp, 430KB, PDF
Bayesian Computational Methods
by Christian P. Robert, 2010, 59 pp, 3.7MB, PDF
Brief Primer on the Fundaments of Quantum Computing
by Richard L Amoroso, 2018, 140 pp, 6.3MB, PDF
Cellular Automata
Wikibooks, 2010
Cellular Automata And Complexity: Collected Papers
by Stephen Wolfram, 1994
Cellular Automata: Simplicity Behind Complexity
edited by Alejandro Salcido, 2011, 566 pages, 31MB, PDF
Combinatorial Optimization: Exact and Approximate Algorithms
by Luca Trevisan, 2011, 139 pages, 830KB, PDF
Communication Complexity
by Domotor Palvolgyi, 2005, 39 pages, 380KB, PDF
Complexity Theory
by Johan Hastad, 2008, 130 pages, 0.7MB, PDF
Computability and Complexity
Wikibooks, 2010
Computability and Complexity from a Programming Perspective
by Neil D. Jones, 1997, 485 pages, 1.7MB, PDF
Computability and Randomness
by Andre Nies, 2008, 447 pages, 2.6MB, PDF
Computability Theory
by Wilfried Sieg, 2006, 125 pp, 1.9MB, PDF
Computability, Unsolvability, Randomness
by Stephen G. Simpson, 2009, 151 pp, 910KB, PDF
Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach
by Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak, 2008, 489 pages, 4.4MB, PDF
Computational Modeling and Complexity Science
by Allen Downey, 2008, 97 pages, 1.4MB, PDF
Evolution of Parallel Cellular Machines: The Cellular Programming Approach
by Moshe Sipper, 1997, 213 pp, 1.8MB, PDF
Exploring Discrete Dynamics
by Andrew Wuensche, 2011, 536 pp, 21MB, PDF
From Complexity to Creativity
by Ben Goertzel, 1996
From Philosophy to Program Size
by G. J. Chaitin, 2003, 54 pages, PS/PDF
The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory
by Ved Prakash Gupta, Prabha Mandayam, V. S. Sunder, 2014, 123 pp, 930KB, PDF
Handbook of Quantum Information
Quantiki, 2013, online html
Introduction to Complexity Theory
by Oded Goldreich, 1999, 375 pages, 2.3MB, PDF
Introduction to Computability Theory
by Dag Normann, 2010, 95 pp, 430KB, PDF
Introduction to Computational Complexity
by Martin Tompa, 1991, 85 pages, 1MB, PDF
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms for Physics and Chemistry
by Man-Hong Yung, et al. 2012, 44 pp, 2MB, PDF
Introduction to Quantum Cellular Automata
by B. Aoun, M. Tarifi, 2004, 46 pages, 330KB, PDF
An Introduction to Quantum Computing using Cavity QED concepts
by Zachary Burell, 2012, 53 pp, 260KB, PDF
An Introduction to the Theory of Computation
by Eitan Gurari, 1989, 314 pages, 3.2MB, ZIP/HTML
Introduction to Theory of Computation
by Anil Maheshwari, Michiel Smid, 2012, 246 pp, 1.2MB, PDF
Lecture Notes on Computational Complexity
by Luca Trevisan, 2004, 171 pages, 0.9MB, PDF
Logic and Automata: History and Perspectives
by Jorg Flum (ed), 2007, 737 pp, 5.4MB, PDF
Logic for Computer Scientists
by Uli Furbach, 2010
Mathematical Foundations of Automata Theory
by Jean-Eric Pin, 2012, 310 pp, 1.9MB, PDF
Models of Computation: Exploring the Power of Computing
by John E. Savage, 1998, 698 pp, 4.3MB, PDF
Notes on Automata, Logics, Games and Algebra
by K Narayan Kumar, 2007, PDF
P, NP, and NP-Completeness: The Basics of Complexity Theory
by Oded Goldreich, 2010, 190pp, 1.9MB, PS
Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone
by John C. Baez, Mike Stay, 2009, 73 pages, 780KB, PDF
Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects
by Emily Grumbling, Mark Horowitz, 2018, 206 pp, 8.9MB, PDF
Quantum Computing Since Democritus
by Scott Aaronson, 2006, 398 pp, online html
Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity
by S. Gharibian, Y. Huang, Z. Landau, S. W. Shin, 2014, 58 pp, 1.3MB, PDF
Quantum Information and Computation
by John Preskill, 1998, 481 pp, 2.7MB, PDF
Quantum Information: primitive notions and quantum correlations
by Valerio Scarani, 2009, 74 pp, 840KB, PDF
Quantum Walks: A Comprehensive Review
by Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca, 2012, 88 pp, 1.5MB, PDF
Recursion Theory
by Frank Stephan, 2009, 125 pp, 610KB, PDF
Rule-based Computation and Deduction
by Helene Kirchner, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, 2001, 100 pp, 870KB, PDF
Superconducting Qubits and Circuits
by Steven M. Girvin, 2011, 132 pp, 2.9MB, PDF
Think Complexity: Complexity Science and Computational Modeling
by Allen B. Downey, 2012, 146 pp, 1.2MB, PDF
Tree Automata Techniques and Applications
by H. Comon, M. Dauchet, R. Gilleron, 2008, 262 pages, 2MB, PDF